New footage has emerged of a thief using an angle grinder to cut through a bike lock in London – just two weeks after a similar video went viral after we covered it here on
The latest video was shot from the wheel of a stationary car on Friday evening and was filmed on Roman Road in Tower Hamlets, according to a tweet from Twitter user London and UK Crime (the original location was given incorrectly as Romford Road).
The thief, dressed in black and wearing a balaclava, is cutting through the lock, breaking off briefly to turn around and look at the person filming, before returning to his illicit business.
In a statement quoted on the news website MyLondon, the Metropolitan Police said: “On Friday, 19 November at 22:21hrs police were called to a report of a bike theft on Roman Road, Tower Hamlets.
“Officers attended and conducted enquiries; no arrests were made.
“No victim has been identified and we have received no reports of a bike theft from the area around that time.
“All current lines of enquiry have been investigated. Should any new information come to light further enquiries will be made.”
Earlier this month, passers-by filmed a gang stealing a £3,000 e-bike from outside Surrey Quays shopping centre in Rotherhithe, south east London.
Shortly afterwards, the owner of the bike said there had been a “possible ID” of one of the suspects and we are contacting the Metropolitan Police to find out if there has been any update on the case.
> “Possible ID” on member of Surrey Quays angle-grinder bike theft gang passed on to police
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I want to say, wow! holy cow ! seriously, it is very interesting to read this. So, I wonder if they are just buying this stuff off the shelf ie...
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