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Road CC and your ******* adverts!

I'd like to side step the ban hammer and I appreciate content is partly driven by advertising revenue BUT

Your site is becoming unusable on mobile devices. Your shitty adverts keep opening themselves and playing, or I get half way thru articles, comments or bashing out my wisdom (steady) and the page goes up to and freezes on a piece of shit advert (ironically for a car half the time... I think, shows the bods how impactful their ads are).

Please please please make it ******* stop!

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barongreenback | 5 years ago

The swipable version is terrible.  Den of Geek use the same underlying tech and it is so difficult to use and navigate (on ios).  I've stopped visiting unless I'm on a desktop.  Don't care so much about the ads as you guys need to make a living but you need a different architecture.

Tony Farrelly | 5 years ago

Sorry you're having a bad time with the site on mobile RoubaixCube, which version of the mobile site are you talking about - the swipeable one, or the classic version?

The classic one has the ad at the bottom, but it's hardly ad dense compared to the majority of sites. Granted there's probably more on the swipeable version of the mobile site, but again by the standards of the web it's not crammed. There aren't supposed to be any intrusive ads, popups, autoplay video or the like so if yo get any of those we always want to know about it. 

Problem with sponsored content is that IMO most of it sucks the fat one, and it doesn't pay well enough either. We do some sponsored stuff  if we think there's an editorial benefit but we also don't do a lot because frankly it boils down to companies wanting us to write their ads for them or indeed be in their ads - a not very healthy blurring of the lines. Plus if someone is writing a piece of sponsored content it means they aren't writing something else. If we needed to power the site that way there wouldn't be room for anything else. 

RoubaixCube replied to Tony Farrelly | 5 years ago

Tony Farrelly wrote:

Sorry you're having a bad time with the site on mobile RoubaixCube, which version of the mobile site are you talking about - the swipeable one, or the classic version?

The classic one has the ad at the bottom, but it's hardly ad dense compared to the majority of sites. Granted there's probably more on the swipeable version of the mobile site, but again by the standards of the web it's not crammed. There aren't supposed to be any intrusive ads, popups, autoplay video or the like so if yo get any of those we always want to know about it. 

Problem with sponsored content is that IMO most of it sucks the fat one, and it doesn't pay well enough either. We do some sponsored stuff  if we think there's an editorial benefit but we also don't do a lot because frankly it boils down to companies wanting us to write their ads for them or indeed be in their ads - a not very healthy blurring of the lines. Plus if someone is writing a piece of sponsored content it means they aren't writing something else. If we needed to power the site that way there wouldn't be room for anything else. 


Classic version. I wasnt very much a fan of the swipe version because of the privacy popup that kept popping up on every page - admittedly that was probably a few months ago and already delt with but im still a sucker for the classic layout, it just feels more intuitive and i know where im going with it when browsing.

Is there no way of scaling back with the ads a little for a more pleasent mobile browsing experience? even getting rid of the ad at the bottom of the screen thats awlays there would be welcome change. you have 4 or 5 other ads that show up on the page anyway as you scroll through an article anyway


RoubaixCube | 5 years ago

I appreciate the work does and i dont mind having ads so long as they are not intrustive. but when im trying to browse on mobile and i have 5 ads on the page as i scroll through and another at the bottom of the screen that is ALWAYS THERE like turd in your arse that you cant squeeze out Im just going to download a browser that does have an adblocker and block EVERYTHING


This needs to be addressed. Maybe have a deeper look at having sponsored ads or articles rather than a page full of flash ads.


I have been on a lot worse websites though but browsing this website is almost giving my eyes cancer.

srchar | 7 years ago

The mobile site is unusable. No matter where I tap, I seem to get redirected to the app store to download a betting app. The solution is to block ads (in my case, by using ad-blocking DNS). I don't care if ad blocking deprives a site of revenue when that site has made design decisions around their ad implementation that leave the site in a mess.

dottigirl | 7 years ago

An autoplaying ad at the bottom of the right column (I think?) has been pissing me off today. I don't even know what it's for (so as an ad, it's pretty bad!). I've paused it, but even 'paused' it there are still sounds.

IanEdward | 7 years ago

I had the same issue and emailed the admin team (thanks for the reply Tony).

For what it's worth, the ad that kept grabbing my screening and preventing me reading threads or responding to them (probably for the best...) seemed to be for Renault? It kept getting as far as talking about fuel injectors or something that were the thickness of a human hair, blah blah blah.

All seems good today though D'OH! Literally as I was typing this reply, my screen gets grabbed by an advert for some Intel nonsense...

The Private Eye has a fairly regular feature on how online advertising is getting mis-sold to advertisers (e.g. an advert is classed as having been 'viewed' if 50% of the pixels are visible on a screen for a surprisingly short amount of time...). Makes for interesting reading but unfortunately without them we all end up paying for the sites we're pathetically addicted to...

andsaw | 7 years ago

One way is to download Firefox on a moby and download adblock plus and read on the browser, thats the only way for ad free, not sure about apple stuff but works for android.

Yorkshie Whippet | 7 years ago

With regards to redirect to App Store. It's every day and seems to be random when on my SE. Sometime I need to load a page three or four times.

At the moment it's to Skybet.

Doesn't happen on Fantasy Team side of things.

pablo | 7 years ago

On android I get a really annoying icon appear at the top of the page now that the browser constantly reframes on. I scroll down it scrolls back up.

pablo | 7 years ago

On android I get a really annoying icon appear at the top of the page now that the browser constantly reframes on. I scroll down it scrolls back up.

gonedownhill | 7 years ago
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Not bothered by the advertising as such but I keep getting a problem with the page scrolling up/down against my will. Had it on both chrome in windows 7 and chrome in Android on a mobile. I think the page seems to be auto-reloading on the former, the icon on the tab keeps flickering.

Tony Farrelly replied to gonedownhill | 7 years ago

gonedownhill wrote:

Not bothered by the advertising as such but I keep getting a problem with the page scrolling up/down against my will. Had it on both chrome in windows 7 and chrome in Android on a mobile. I think the page seems to be auto-reloading on the former, the icon on the tab keeps flickering.

Hmm there is an ad that's been complained about that forces the page to scroll down to it - for Shell Diesel (or something like that) not heard to the site doing it by itself before though. 

How often have you had that happen?


gonedownhill replied to Tony Farrelly | 7 years ago

Tony Farrelly wrote:

gonedownhill wrote:

Not bothered by the advertising as such but I keep getting a problem with the page scrolling up/down against my will. Had it on both chrome in windows 7 and chrome in Android on a mobile. I think the page seems to be auto-reloading on the former, the icon on the tab keeps flickering.

Hmm there is an ad that's been complained about that forces the page to scroll down to it - for Shell Diesel (or something like that) not heard to the site doing it by itself before though. 

How often have you had that happen?



Only in the last week. Pablo probably described the issue better than me for the mobile .

Dnnnnnn replied to gonedownhill | 7 years ago

gonedownhill wrote:

Not bothered by the advertising as such but I keep getting a problem with the page scrolling up/down against my will. Had it on both chrome in windows 7 and chrome in Android on a mobile. I think the page seems to be auto-reloading on the former, the icon on the tab keeps flickering.

Yes, quite a lot of repeated jumping to the foot of the page for no apparent reason.

Flying Scot | 7 years ago

i find my new Ipad Air handles it fine, bu the old Ipad 2 is completely flummoxed by the site.

Tony Farrelly | 7 years ago

Hi Alan, 

Thanks for taking the trouble to flag this up and believe me we share your pain on this - it's a massive PITA. It's something we've been aware of as a growing problem over the last few weeks and are working to solve - hence the Report an annoying ad page.

We don't like annoying our most loyal users and we don't like stuff that brings the ad model for funding sites like this in to disrepute because it's how we pay for the site and all the people who work on it.

Annoying and disruptive ads are a problem that seems to affect mobile users more than desktop, but certainly rears its head on desktop too. The problem for us is tracking down the offending ad network - without proof that the ad was theirs they will all say it isn't them.

The redirects to the App Store or Google Play are even more of a problem because the ad that causes the redirect doesn't fully load before the redirect kicks in. They've been a problem for a lot of sites at a low level for years now - and we've suffered with them from time to time before - but it definitely seems to have flared up particularly badly in the last few weeks. That said, it does seem to be something that affects some users a lot and others not at all - despite a great deal of trying we've never been able to get it to happen on one of our devices. Okay, except for once when the one person on the team who likes a bit of a flutter got a redirect, but we weren't sure if that was down to the site or him.

We do have some suspicions about where the problem - which may or may not turn out to be well founded - and to help us find out we're pausing ads from one particular source to see if that has any affect on the problem. 

@simonmb yes an ad free subscription version of the site might be something we can do - obviously we'd need to work out how much a sub would be. We did look in to it in the about 18 months ago but when we asked people there didn't seem to be much enthusiasm - of course things change so we could revisit that. 


alansmurphy | 7 years ago
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That's way above the heads of the people on site and probably a Google algorythm somewhere. You've looked for such products and they probably can't confirm you've purchased, hence you're in a loop!

Ramz | 7 years ago
1 like

I notice that most of the ads I get are for products I recently purchased but have no intention of buying for another year or two. I think your ad provider could be ripping off the adverrtiisers.

Leviathan | 7 years ago

Isn't it funny when sometimes you post something on the forum, then it quickly appears on the News page and you think ' has stolen my thunder again.'

alansmurphy replied to Leviathan | 7 years ago

Leviathan wrote:

Isn't it funny when sometimes you post something on the forum, then it quickly appears on the News page and you think ' has stolen my thunder again.'


Or you think, excellent customer service, thanks for listening!



MarRun | 7 years ago
1 like

The advertising funds the site. I have no problem with that. My bugbear is when trying to load the homepage on a mobile and being redirected to download a betting app from a store without me even clicking on any advert. Having to exit and reload the site is annoying and as a result I view the site on my mobile much less frequently.

paulrattew | 7 years ago

It seems to be at its worst when you have clicked through to from another site, such as links on facebook or twitter. It's a pain in the arse. I have no problem with needing advertizing to keep revenue's coming in (hey, its a commercial world) but the ones that push you through to the appstore everytime are really pernicious.

Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago

Root or jailbreak your phones and put on a proper ad-blocker.

alansmurphy replied to Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago

Yorkshire wallet wrote:

Root or jailbreak your phones and put on a proper ad-blocker.


And invalidate any warranty or insurance you have on said device...

simonmb | 7 years ago

Any possibility of an ad-free subscription option? A couple of £££s a month might be a price worth paying for some folk - although not for me.

peted76 replied to simonmb | 7 years ago
1 like

simonmb wrote:

Any possibility of an ad-free subscription option? A couple of £££s a month might be a price worth paying for some folk - although not for me.

Like a streamlined, membership version... I'd actually be up for that.

hawkinspeter | 7 years ago

This is why people block ads.

brooksby replied to hawkinspeter | 7 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

This is why people block ads.

It's not always that easy, though.  If you use Adblock on an iPhone on, for example, you use all of the sidebar menu functionality and (sometimes) the site just won't open at all.

barbarus | 7 years ago

+ 1. I don't want my phone to keep offering to go to the play store to download the Ladbrokes app!

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