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Road CS site. Whats happened?

Why has the appearance changed? It did it once before but then returned to its normal version. Been like it for at least 24 hours. Everything is spread out down the page. I mostly use the news page and to be honest it looks like some one has changed the layout totally. To my knowledge its not my PC as I haven't touched any settings. Cookies etc enabled. What am I missing?

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Tony Farrelly | 13 years ago

hmm, sorry about that not sure, what was going on there mattsccm. It might have been something to do with the carousel on the home page that can get a bit temperamental about opening paragraphs and throw the whole rest of the page out as a result but it might not… cos those pages have looked fine at this end over the weekend.

We'd be the first to admit though that the site can behave a little oddly from time to time. For instance, the home page displays differently on my desktop and laptop even though they are both using the same browser and more or less the same operating system - only slight difference is that one is on Leopard and the other on Snow Leopard. Whatever it is something causes the forum topics box to be rendered on top of the comments box (or is it the other way around)and it doesn't do it on any of the rest of the team's machines just my office one.

mattsccm | 13 years ago

Now its back as it should be  1

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