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Drivers and their problems

A new catch-all Tea Shop thread for those miscellaneous new stories that don't quite fit with parking, crashing into buildings or trapped/prisoners in their homes. 

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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hawkinspeter replied to ktache | 1 month ago

ktache wrote:

Stoataly different...

That kind of mistake is weasely made

mdavidford replied to hawkinspeter | 1 month ago

It mustelid to a lot of frustration though.

David9694 replied to mdavidford | 1 month ago

mdavidford wrote:

It mustelid to a lot of frustration though.

You all get a badger of honour for so many animalia-literate puns. 

SaveTheWail replied to David9694 | 1 month ago

Ferrets well-deserved.

David9694 wrote:

You all get a badger of honour for so many animalia-literate puns. 

chrisonabike replied to SaveTheWail | 1 month ago
1 like
SaveTheWail wrote:

Ferrets well-deserved.

David9694 wrote:

You all get a badger of honour for so many animalia-literate puns. 

They can just ratel them out all day.

mdavidford replied to chrisonabike | 1 month ago
1 like

chrisonabike wrote:

They can just ratel them out all day.

We never tayra of it.

David9694 replied to chrisonabike | 1 month ago
1 like

I'm marten you down for that one.

chrisonabike replied to Hirsute | 3 months ago
Hirsute wrote:

OK, now I'm really worried !!

"I’m a neuroscientist who taught rats to drive."

Get "rats for LTNs and modal filters" founded immediately or we're doomed!

brooksby replied to David9694 | 2 months ago

David9694 wrote:

Cornwall planning: Desperate race against time to fight 'predatory' parking proposal at beach beauty spot

A planning inspector has overturned Cornwall Council's refusal of a hated car park plan and now angry residents need serious help

So if I've got this right, it's OK to park a load of cars ("The site falls within the Cornwall National Landscape, the Heritage Coast and part of the northern boundary of the car park is formed by the two Grade II listed lime kiln structures") erect a crappy home made sign, but not to have a camera on a pole because it "would represent alien and visually intrusive man-made features which would fail to conserve or enhance the landscape character and scenic beauty"?

Those who are against the parking equipment being installed are now in a fight against time to oppose the appeal approval in the High Court.

"Do we have any philanthropic friends who would like to leave a legacy of keeping this part of the world unspoilt, friendly and accessible to the community? We have identified a barrister but are unable to take things further without financial support."

How about the landowner signs it over to the council and says, "There you go - you deal with it!"? I wonder how quickly the councils objections to a camera etc would evaporate?

Hirsute replied to SaveTheWail | 1 month ago

"had mental health issues and a "deficiency in thinking skills"."
Perhaps best if he doesn't drive again.

mdavidford replied to chrisonabike | 3 months ago

chrisonabike wrote:
Hirsute wrote:

OK, now I'm really worried !!

"I’m a neuroscientist who taught rats to drive."

Get "rats for LTNs and modal filters" founded immediately or we're doomed!

Low Tabby Neighbourhoods?

David9694 replied to brooksby | 2 months ago
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Cornwall council are looking to off-load many of their outlying car parks, causing still more wailing and gnashing of teeth.

If the Caerhays estate own this land, I don't really see what the campaign group hope to accomplish here. Surely the position is that the land cannot function as a public car park if they can't install charging infrastructure. 

chrisonabike replied to Hirsute | 1 month ago
Hirsute wrote:

"had mental health issues and a "deficiency in thinking skills"."
Perhaps best if he doesn't drive again.

"Shurely blatant discrimination", said his counsel, "and we all know that those branded 'normal' or mentally competent are very well represented amongst those convicted for these offenses..."

Personally I'm happy with being a lot more restrictive about those who get to drive - BUT without us providing alternatives to driving the charge of unfairness has to be addressed...

brooksby replied to David9694 | 2 months ago

David9694 wrote:

Cornwall council are looking to off-load many of their outlying car parks, causing still more wailing and gnashing of teeth.

If the Caerhays estate own this land, I don't really see what the campaign group hope to accomplish here. Surely the position is that the land cannot function as a public car park if they can't install charging infrastructure. 

Maybe block off all access and return it to nature?

David9694 replied to brooksby | 2 months ago

brooksby wrote:

David9694 wrote:

Cornwall council are looking to off-load many of their outlying car parks, causing still more wailing and gnashing of teeth.

If the Caerhays estate own this land, I don't really see what the campaign group hope to accomplish here. Surely the position is that the land cannot function as a public car park if they can't install charging infrastructure. 

Maybe block off all access and return it to nature?

that would be more in keeping with the stated planning objectives 

stonojnr replied to David9694 | 2 months ago
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the planning rules for adding tech within AONBs are much more strictly enforced, so yes weirdly the handmade sign is allowed, because its considered "temporary" and not tech, whereas a camera on a pole is considered "permanent" tech which is not in keeping with a natural landscape.

its like in spots in Suffolk where we have dual carriageways in designated AONBs, but they arent allowed to put in speed cameras without it taking years of planning process, appeals, government approval and often quirky rules then about how visible they can be.

David9694 replied to Hirsute | 10 months ago
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Absurd - EV owner has no guarantee of a parking space anywhere near their home.

David9694 replied to Jogle | 8 months ago

Jogle wrote:

Only in Cornwall.......

Live: Traffic at a standstill as mating bull and cow block caravan from passing

Out of curiosity, what was the duration of the hold-up?


chrisonabike replied to David9694 | 6 months ago
1 like

David9694 wrote:

The utter state of this

It's just the price of progress / what we should expect from "freedom" - if everyone gets it we have to accept some will misuse it. (Most people seem to favour themselves having freedom at least...)

Alternatively: like easy credit, we've set too many people up to fail (predictably).  The consequences are arguably too high for those making bad choices (death penalty) but are certainly so for the public at large.  (Not that reducing it to money is always sensible, but cost-benefit analysis anyone?)

brooksby replied to David9694 | 5 months ago

David9694 wrote:

"Parking issues" - what cars do to people:

East Malling man jailed for GBH after squashing man between car and lamppost in Kings Hill

Kent Online wrote:

Two days after the incident, Arnold, who was 23 at the time, handed himself in at Sheerness Police Station and claimed during an interview he had been scared of the victim and hadn’t meant to harm him.

He insisted his foot had slipped on the accelerator as he tried to drive around him.

Scary thing on this story is AFAICS the motorist got jail time for GBH, so it was accepted that he used his car as a weapon to assault the other guy, but there's no mention of a driving ban.  Is that because he was convicted on a non-driving offence?

David9694 replied to Hirsute | 4 months ago

Hirsute wrote:

Cycling Mikey overtakes stationary traffic but the number of people calling him out for crossing a solid white line based on their ignorance of the HC is quite something.

Is it only cyclists who actually know the HC ?

You're going to have to help me on this. The solid line applies to all vehicles travelling towards the level crossing, no? 

chrisonabike replied to the little onion | 3 weeks ago
the little onion wrote:

. The headline of this article is "Infamous crash-prone bollards to remain on road".

It's so unfair, the double standards - bollards aren't even allowed to have "accidents"?

David9694 replied to Hirsute | 1 week ago

Sounds delightful.  Do we know who or what is BE? 

essexian replied to David9694 | 9 months ago

David9694 wrote:

Absurd - EV owner has no guarantee of a parking space anywhere near their home.

I've never understood why people should be allowed to own a car unless they have a private, off road space to keep it on. Roads should be for making progress upon and not storing ones several tons of metal..... and yes, I do have private parking for six cars on my property. 

Jogle replied to David9694 | 8 months ago

David9694 wrote:

Jogle wrote:

Only in Cornwall.......

Live: Traffic at a standstill as mating bull and cow block caravan from passing

Out of curiosity, what was the duration of the hold-up?


No idea, but it might depend whether there was any courting. You know, did they do anything like going to a mooovie first?

Hirsute replied to brooksby | 5 months ago

There is legislation to ban for any offence

CPS : The order provides both an additional punishment and a preventive measure. However, there must be sufficient reason for the disqualification. The following are examples of cases in which such orders have been imposed:

Cliff [2004] EWCA Crim 3139 - the offender had admitted that before committing affray he had driven a car whilst affected by drink or drugs or both.
Bye [2005] EWCA Crim 1230 - disqualification for 12 months in conjunction with a prison sentence of 8 months was upheld where the offender got out of their car and attacked another motorist.
Waring [2005] EWCA Crim 1080 - disqualification for 18 months in conjunction with a prison sentence of 4 months for escape from lawful custody was upheld. The offender had been stopped by the police, provided a positive breath test but, in the process of being taken to the police station, had jumped from the police car and escaped. He thereby avoided a secondary breath test and any possibility of being prosecuted for driving with excess alcohol.
Sofekun [2008] EWCA Crim 2035 - disqualification upheld where the offender had cannabis concealed within the bonnet of their car in small bags ready for supply.

Certainly fits the Bye [2005] example.


Hirsute replied to David9694 | 4 months ago

You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less

andystow replied to chrisonabike | 3 weeks ago

These self-driving bollards are among my favourites.

Hirsute replied to David9694 | 1 week ago


British Empire?

British English ?

Rendel Harris replied to essexian | 9 months ago

In Japan they have the shako shomeisho (proof of parking) rule, meaning one cannot buy a car – new or secondhand – unless one can produce a certificate from the local police proving that one either owns or rents an offstreet parking space close to one's home address. In addition (and this is apparently what makes it work really well) parking on a public street overnight is banned almost everywhere in the country.


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