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Use old Cassette on Direct Drive Trainer

Hi, I recently got my bike refurbished with new casette and chain adn I now ordered a direct drive turbo tainer. However the trainer comes without a casette and I wonder if I can use my old casette on it or would that be bad for the (new) chain. 

Any advice is welcome


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Woldsman | 4 years ago

*Some* wear on the cassettes is tolerable. 
Think about it.  Many of us will go through, say,  three chains over the life span of one cassette. I have a part worn cassette on the spare wheel I pop on on my winter bike when I use it on the turbo. It works fine.  Assuming the cassette isn't observably worn out: 

New chain on old cassette = OK; old chain on new cassette = not OK. 

ChrisB200SX | 4 years ago

It's not ideal, but it really does depend on how worn the cassette is. You should notice pretty quickly if the cassette is worn enough to be scrap.

I presume the old cassette has the same size largest sprocket and doesn't need  a longer chain.

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