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Car crashes into building - please post your Local news stories

Running this one up the flagpole to see who salutes... 

I just don't remember this being a thing until recently, now it seems a daily occurrence.
Could it be that there are drivers not up to the job, too many cars; should houses be made to ride in single file, shops put on high viz, why are we putting newer buildings in danger like this, it's irresponsible.

'A Dorset Police spokesperson said: "Dorset Police was called at 12.48pm on Thursday, August 13, to a report of a collision involving a car and a wall outside Iceland on Poole Road in Bournemouth.

"It is reported that the vehicle was also in collision with a pedestrian, but they did not require medical treatment." ' 


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David9694 replied to Jogle | 2 years ago

That block to the left of the car sits across one of the other wall breaches, and there's yet another crunch on the other side of the road from where I reckon this latest is. The bridge is one way, with 2 lanes, but two streams of traffic in effect merge before coming onto the bridge.  

If drivers can't play nicely, or if the layout is confusing drivers, isn't it time to ban cars?

David9694 replied to Mungecrundle | 2 years ago

Why yes, Mr Commenter, look at that terrible, terrible road.

chrisonabike replied to David9694 | 2 years ago
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If only he'd been able to keep cycling - in a safer environment.  True - he might have come off his bike and that might be enough.  But the possibility he'd kill someone else is much less.  Even better if there was provision for cycling (side-by-side) with a friend.

chrisonabike replied to David9694 | 2 years ago
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Depending on the car, maybe an attempt to cover some obviously tiny genitalia?  Hopefully the police didn't brief the press - and compound the problem.

mdavidford replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

Nominative determinism extending to lorries now.

Mungecrundle replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago
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Not sure if my irony meter is actually broken or wether SocialistHero (comments on Bristol Post article) is too subtle for it.

SocialistHero5 HRS AGO

Trees are a menace. Cut mire down and make the road wider. I can't think of any other solution

David9694 replied to Jogle | 2 years ago

Have you seen this man?

ktache replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

The damage to the hi viz warnings on the top...

ktache replied to David9694 | 2 years ago

You're going to take a little longer to get to a thousand on that topic.

wtjs replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

Earlier this year a 26 tonne HGV struck the underpass and the driver failed to stop

So he gets 2 months HGV ban, which is severe under-punishment for failing to stop and for being a useless HGV driver with no road awareness or brains. However, even these trivial punishments are more than he would get up here where the HIP-sters (Hyper Indolent Policing) wouldn't even be able to work out how to use those numbers and letters to identify the vehicle. This, for variety, is just one of the many long term 'No VED' offenders in Lancashire- secure in the knowledge that no action will ever be taken against them. MJ09 LFH has already saved over 2 years of 'road tax' by his enterprise!

David9694 replied to wtjs | 2 years ago

"THE REVENUE COLLECTORS ARE OUT" - so ran a local FB post about a police speed enforcement a few miles up our main road.  Drivers really are just big kids aren't they, at the centre of their own world, with no idea of the effects they cause, how things work, or what things cost. Anyway, you would have thought in this era of privateering, there would be some enterprising soul who, for a modest commission, would go around everyday places like mine and take some action around all these untaxed and uninsured motor vehicles. That would be doing the police a favour as these are are much more likely to be involved in things of interest to them. I've seen cyclist videos passing along a row of stopped cars and they flash up captions of not taxed/ no MoT quite frequently. 

ktache replied to Jogle | 2 years ago

Well, they often end up on their own rooves.

hawkinspeter replied to IanMSpencer | 2 years ago

IanMSpencer wrote:

He ran a red light too. Probably an off duty cyclist.

We need a way to identify cyclists when they're driving

mdavidford replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 2 years ago

Presumably counted across 2 pedals left-to-right to find the brake...

hawkinspeter replied to Mungecrundle | 2 years ago

Mungecrundle wrote:

Not sure if my irony meter is actually broken or wether SocialistHero (comments on Bristol Post article) is too subtle for it. SocialistHero5 HRS AGO Trees are a menace. Cut mire down and make the road wider. I can't think of any other solution

I reckon it's ironic, but with car culture being so ingrained, sometimes you can't tell

David9694 replied to ktache | 2 years ago
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Yes, I think it may be a slower burn than this thread has been, but the "residents trapped" klaxon goes off some times, so let's see. 

Hirsute replied to wtjs | 2 years ago

Meanwhile Surrey cops go round with their unmarked car and there twitter page is full of drivers pulled over with no insurance, ved, mot. eg

David9694 replied to David9694 | 2 years ago

Local news account of what sounds like this 3 hour session, catching speeders at  practically one a minute, as fast, I imagine as as you can cycle the speed gun. 

"Of the vehicles caught exceeding the speed limit, 149 drivers will be offered a speed awareness course, and 22 will be given a £100 fine and three penalty points.

Three drivers who exceeded 50mph will be reported to court."

Drivers won't want to understand this, but the £2k fines revenues, if they were to go to the police would just about cover the cost of doing the exercise, topped-up if the 50+ mph-ers are convicted in like 2023. 

ktache replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

Obviously they are the ones driving on the pavement, no lights, dressed in black and the aforementioned running red lights.

And of course, breaking the 20 mile an hour speed limit.


wtjs replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago
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Meanwhile Surrey cops go round with their unmarked car and their twitter page is full of drivers pulled over with no insurance, ved, mot

Thanks. Useful page, as in Lancashire they would receive a commendation for having troubled to obtain MOT and VED in the past. Red Golf AK59 CCA was well in arrears for both when previously reported, and still has neither now. Lancashire's Lardmeisters can't be bothered even when someone else does all the detection for them so they don't lose their places in the queue for pizza (don't be deceived by ITV's The Bay- the actors would be much better at policing than the police). Garstang High School at home-time is a meeting point for evaders of VED and MOT, where they swap tales of years without paying for either


ktache replied to David9694 | 2 years ago
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Otherwise law abiding...

If only they had passed a test, had insurance and were taxed...

David9694 replied to ktache | 2 years ago
1 like
chrisonabike replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago
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Any cyclists driving should have to wear a tabard with their registration number on it.

Awavey replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 2 years ago
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AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

I'm pretty sure the only difference between an automatic and a manual is gears, they both still have an accelerator and a brake.

there is a big difference in how the throttle picks up in an automatic vs a manual, which is a factor in alot of these how on earth did they crash into that shop front or completely obvious solid object in their path, which doesnt excuse the driver at all but its still a factor ok.

for years autos used to be labelled sluggish at accelerating & people were dismissive of them for that reason, so motor manufacturers spent alot of time tuning throttle response & gearing in autos, so that if you hit the throttle you absolutely will accelerate very quickly and it will quickly unleash the full power of the engine, and because its an auto will just keep going till you lift off, in a manual you have to shift gears to get that to happen, in an auto, stamp on the throttle you will get to max speed quickly.

And so when that happens in an auto, alot of inexperienced drivers and older ones too, panic, forget they are in an auto, theres no clutch to stamp on to disengage the engine, and in mistakenly attempting to hit the brake, because its often bigger in autos and the positionining can be subtly different than manuals, end up hitting the accelerator even harder. Most will swear blind after the crash the car just accelerated by itself out of control.

David9694 replied to Awavey | 2 years ago

Mine revs quite fiercely if I put down the accelerator too hard, it doesn't immediately accelerate and this sound is plenty to get me to ease off.  That's in C comfort mode, rather than S sporty mode, which I don't use.  

It's so bad I'm embarrassed by it when passing my fellow cyclists. 

chrisonabike replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago
1 like

"This road's not big enough for the both of us."

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Jogle | 2 years ago

As there is a cyclist pictured right at the end, how many people in the comments blamed him?

Also, who was the arsehole who "aided and abetted" the driver by pushing the car off the other one?

chrisonabike replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

Do AMD do civil claims and could they offer the driver no-win, no fee?  Obviously they won't be able to act in their own matter but it sounds like the driver's had a busy day of window-shopping elsewhere.

David9694 replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

Drove to the garage for cigarettes. Folks, I give you the UK's most frequently made car journey.

hawkinspeter replied to David9694 | 2 years ago

David9694 wrote:

Woman pleads guilty to harassment after covering car in underwear

"She proceeded to send pictures of the affected car to its owner and his family."

Tom Jones was playing the Salisbury Guildhall at the time. No buildings harmed, but a worthy addition to the list of reasons why a driver couldn't possibly have avoided a hazard. 

Might lead to a brief loss of attention


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